Active Members Dinner
Active Members Dinner

Free food for all active members (members that are in a committee), to thank them for their hard work!

You are all invited at Fort Blauwkapel and we start at 18:30.

Do not forget to register here at the website, so that we know how much food we need and you can tell us your dietary wishes. The deadline to register is 23:59.

  • Actposter
  • Group: ALE 2022
  • Start: Tue 10 May 2022, 18:30
  • End: Tue 10 May 2022, 22:00
  • Additional web site:
  • Locatie: Fort Blauwkapel
  • Admission price: FREE
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Drinks
  • Maximum number of participants: 105
  • Poster: Ja