Auditions Bèta Music Night 2023 (Herhaling)
Auditions Bèta Music Night 2023 (Herhaling)
This is a repeating acitivity. Bekijk de originele activiteit here. Bekijk ook de rest van de herhalingen here. Of promoveer deze herhaling here

It is that time of the year again! The annual auditions for the Bèta Music Night (BMN) are coming! So do you play an instrument or do you sing? Sign up! Registrations end on the 10th of October at 20:00! Auditions will be held from the 14th - the 23rd of October. Below you can find the link for registration.

The Bèta Music Night is an annual concert given for and made possible by A-Eskwadraat members, where all kinds of genres will be played at the show.  For more information, look at this website: Do you have questions about the auditions? Contact us via [email protected]