To all mathematical masters students:
We have found a way to combine mathematics, fun and creativity! 
This way is called te DAMP. DAMP stands for DAMP: Ambiguous Master Party/Presentations. 
The idea is that small groups of students get a vague mathematical-sounding question, and they formulate and present a funny answer. 
It's a bit like improv, except you can prepare and discuss, and all assignments sound like math questions (like "What's the normal form of HFG?"). 
You are guaranteed to have fun and get to know your fellow master students. 

Feel free to walk in and join in HFG 611 at 13:15 on friday, october 18th.

  • Actposter
  • Commissie: Cie Infinity
  • Begin: vr 18 okt 2019, 13:15
  • Eind: vr 18 okt 2019, 15:00
  • Locatie: HFG 611
  • Toegangsprijs: Gratis
  • Organisator: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Ludiek
  • Poster: Ja