Theme day!
Theme day!

NOTE: The program starts at 14.15h! 

This year's theme day will be about Sustainability! We have chosen four interesting speakers that will give a talk regarding this subject. Want to join? Please sign up! We hope to see you there! 

14.15-15.00h: Algorithms for sustainability

Location: Ruppert D

Speaker: Dr. Ir. Marjan van den Akker

The current energy transition leads to many changes in the electricity as well as the transportation system. In the electricity system, there will be more and more renewable resources, such as wind and solar energy. This means that power generation becomes more distributed, variable and uncertain. However, we want to make sure that there is always enough electricity and avoid black-outs. To make thing worse, transportation will increasingly rely on electric vehicles, which leads to increased demand for electricity. Careful planning of e.g. electricity storage, controllable generation, and e-vehicle charging becomes crucial. In this talk, I will give an impression how algorithmic techniques from Operations Research can help with this.

15.15-16.00h: The path to sustainability passed through open science

Location: Ruppert Paars

Speaker: Dr. Ir. Sanli Faez

Despite the repeated warnings of scientists, the ecological balance of the planet is tilting further away from the sweet spot for humans. It seems that even the scientific community is lagging in transforming itself to serve the academic social contract, and in picking more sustainable research practices. In this talk, I present a case for adopting open science practices to accelerate this essential transformation and strengthening the bond between academia and society.


16.15-17.00h: Carbon,costs and climate: modelling the costs and benefits of global climate policy.

Location: Ruppert D

Speaker: Kaj-Ivar van der Wijst MSc. 

Climate change is a complex topic. It combines the geophysical aspects with the human aspects. One way to tackle this complexity is to create models that integrate these different aspects. With such models, we can create possible scenarios for the future to answer burning policy relevant questions like “how can we reduce emissions?”, “how much does it cost?”, “what happens if we don’t?” or “what are the economic benefits of climate policy?”. In this talk, we’ll go through the steps of creating such a global model and try to answer these questions as much of possible.




  • Actposter
  • Committee: EducaCie
  • Start: Tue 1 Mar 2022, 13:00
  • End: Tue 1 Mar 2022, 17:00
  • Locatie: Marinus Ruppertbuilding
  • Admission price: Free
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Study related
  • Maximum number of participants: 75
  • Poster: Ja