ExcursCie Nanomaterials lab TNO
ExcursCie Nanomaterials lab TNO

Friday 25th September we will visit the Nanomaterials research lab of TNO (Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek, or Applied Natural Science Research Centre). TNO Delft helps ASML with optimizing the production of chips. They are working on the newest generation of lithography machines, optimizing the processes with regard to cleanness and reproducability. 

This is a unique opportunity to see the nanomaterials lab of TNO. The programme starts 14:00 in the TNO building in Delft. First we get a introductory lecture. The group will be split in two and each group will be guided throug the lab. The day ends with drinks. 

We gather 12:15 at traintrail 8a on Utrecht central station, than we will arrive on time at the campus in Delft. 

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