Stalk your hero
Stalk your hero
Always wanted to know how it feels to stalk someone?

The FantaCie presents -completely in theme for A-Eskwadraat's anniversary- a game in which you may stalk your hero!

Based on the popular game Kiss-Before-You-Die, each participant will get the name of another participant. They must try to secretly kiss this persons somewhere, without anyone else seeing... If you get caught, you're out! When you succeed in kissing someone without being seen, you get to have his/her card with the name of his/her hero. This will be your new hero and from then on you will stalk this person. The player with the most card at the end of the week will be the winner!

To keep it a secret who's participating, you can only register by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. Do this before the 7th of februari and you'll receive an e-mail with the name of you first hero. Remember to print it out and cary it with you in case you get kissed yourself...

The FantaCie-members knows all participants and will therefore not join the game themselves. So please don't try to pretend you have one of us...

  • Committee: FantaCie
  • Start: Mon 9 Feb 2009, 00:01
  • End: Fri 13 Feb 2009, 23:59
  • Locatie: Overal
  • Admission price: free
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Poster: Nee