Serious gaming IZT-excursion!
Serious gaming IZT-excursion!
Notice: we will depart from the Minnaert-hall at 12:50 instead of 11:45!

Are you curious about serious games and how they work? Then join the zebra's on a trip to Rotterdam, for a visit to VSTEP!

VSTEP has developen a large amount of simulations and serious games for the training of firefighters, first-aid personnel and many others. Besides learning a lot, there are many opportunities to experience social games yourself!

Do you want to join us? Then quickly register for our excursion on the A-ES2 website, because the number of places is limited! However, please be aware that while the people at VSTEP are familiar with speaking English, the main presentation is in Dutch.

We will gather at 12:50 in the hall of the Minnaert-building, after which we will all travel by train towards VSTEP (Rotterdam). If you live in the neighborhood of Rotterdam, you can also join the group on railway station Rotterdam Centraal at 14:10.