Thesis information activity with cocktails
Thesis information activity with cocktails
In the second year of the master you need to write a thesis, but which subject? Which supervisor? To help you with this the MasterCie organizes this evening.
Second year master students from different studies will tell something about their own thesis. In this way you get an idea of the possibilities for a research project and you can ask questions.
There will be one one study in every classroom and probably four students will tell something about their research.
There will be cocktails after the talks!
Please subscribe at the website or send a mail to [email protected].
  • Committee: MasterCie
  • Start: Fri 11 May 2012, 17:00
  • End: Fri 11 May 2012, 19:00
  • Locatie: BBL 069, 071, 075 en 077
  • Admission price: free
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Poster: Nee