Online lecture ASML
Online lecture ASML

Innovation at a relentless pace - 16 November 15.15 via Teams
Talk by Jeroen van Dongen:

ASML is a key player in an ecosystem that together drive innovation at an incredible pace. This innovation brings thrilling new solutions to billions of people worldwide: from autonomous driving to change the way we look at mobility, connected healthcare for early detection and personalized treatment towards augmented reality to transition the physical into a virtual world.

In this lunch talk, Jeroen who is a former physics student at UU whom turned product manager at ASML, will introduce you to the world of semiconductor and the role that ASML plays in the incredible pace of innovation. He will also give you a sneak preview into his life at ASML and what it might mean for you!

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  • Actposter
  • Committee: SpoCie
  • Start: Mon 16 Nov 2020, 15:00
  • End: Mon 16 Nov 2020, 16:15
  • Locatie: Teams
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Labour Market Orientation
  • Poster: Ja