Registration deadline Career Diner
Registration deadline Career Diner

Career diner
Location: Taplokaal Gist || Date: 11th of December, time to be announced
Registration deadline: friday the 17th of November

Would you like to expand your network and enjoy a free diner at Taplokaal Gist at the same time? Then join us at the career dinner on the 11th of December. This year you have the unique opportunity to go networking with Thales, a multinational company that develops and manufactures electical systems and equipment for a large number of working sectors, BDO Holding, one of the largest accountancy firms in the world and a third company which will be announced later. 

If you are interested, then register yourself with your CV via the following google forms:

Since this is an event with CV selection, we will try to let you know before the 5th of December whether you have been selected by one of the companies

  • Actposter
  • Commissie: SpoCie
  • Begin: wo 22 nov 2023, 00:00
  • Eind: wo 22 nov 2023, 12:00
  • Organisator: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Arbeidsmarktoriëntatie
  • Poster: Ja