old cocks vs young gods sprintmatch
old cocks vs young gods sprintmatch

On a rainy afternoon in the office, a bold statement was made by young god, Jitte de Vries(19). He dared to bet that with his young legs he could beat the old man, Daniël Kuijper (25), in a sprint duel. After much delay and arguing, the discussion will be put to an end on Monday 3 June and a sprint duel will take place between the two to determine who is faster, Daniël or Jitte. Yet they also want to see who is generally faster, the old cocks of the young gods. Would you like to help prove who is faster? Then register for the sprint competition and show the opponent who is faster.

  • Committee: SportCie
  • Start: Mon 10 Jun 2024, 16:30
  • End: Mon 10 Jun 2024, 17:30
  • Locatie: street in front of the Bus-ballot building
  • Admission price: free!
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Fun
  • Poster: Nee