Studytrip deadline room takeover (StuTriDeLiRoTaOv)
Studytrip deadline room takeover (StuTriDeLiRoTaOv)

Hi everyone! As you might not know, the deadline to apply for the Great Studytrip is approaching! This means it's important to quickly decide whether or not you want to join us on this amazing trip to South Korea. (We're not going to Japan anymore, sadly.) To help you make the right choice (going on this journey), we're organising a takeover of the room of A-Eskwadraat between 13:00 and 15:00. If you have any burning questions about this journey, life, or the right way to drink your coffee, feel free to drop by. Otherwise, you can always ask us questions personally, or by sending an e-mail to [email protected]. So drop by, and apply!

Apply for the Great Studytrip through this link:

"Go with study trip, is toch niemand die dit leest" - Joris Kieboom, 2022 

  • Actposter
  • Committee: Grote Studiereis 2223
  • Start: Mon 28 Nov 2022, 13:00
  • End: Mon 28 Nov 2022, 15:00
  • Locatie: BBG 2.69
  • Admission price: Free!
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Room takeover
  • Poster: Ja