Picknick on the Battlefied (Dutch)
Picknick on the Battlefied (Dutch)

We as the theatre Committee would have organised a couple of stage performances last march. unfortunately they didn't go through. However there was a performance recorded of another theatre piece. Namely a theaticral film of "Picknick op het slagveld" (Picknick on the battleground) which was written by Fernando Arrabal. In the play you'll see some familiar faces. The piece is split in 8 segments and throughout 2 of those segemnts are in the same absurdity directed. So as a consequence of that this will feel more like a filmed theatrical piece rather than a film. So come and watch!

The play is produces, taped, and edited by Femke Kaatee


Sam Borman

Daan van Laar

Erik Boddeüs

Martina Parhan

Niek Mulleners

Marloes van Bokhoven

  • Committee: ToneelCie 2019 -2020
  • Start: Wed 13 Jan 2021, 20:00
  • End: Wed 13 Jan 2021, 22:00
  • Locatie: TBA
  • Admission price: Freeee
  • Organizer: A–Eskwadraat
  • Categorie: Presentation
  • Poster: Nee