Supervisory Board
Supervisory Board

Supervisory Board

As of 30-01-2015
The Supervisory Board is the University's statutory supervisory body. The Executive Board requires the approval of the Supervisory Board on the Strategic Plan, the Annual Report and the Annual Accounts. The Executive Board informs the Supervisory Board of all major developments and events taking place at Utrecht University. The Minister of Education, Culture and Science appoints the members of the Supervisory Board. One of its members maintains a confidential relationship with the University Council.

www: Supervisory Board


  • Prof. dr. E. (Emmo) Meijer (Chairman)
  • Prof. dr. W. (Wim) van de Donk
  • Drs. K.T.V. (Karin) Bergstein MBA
  • Mr. A. (Joanne) Kellermann
Secretary to the Supervisory Board: dr. M.L. Toebes, T: 030 253 4489, E: [email protected] Heidelberglaan 8, 3584 CS Utrecht.


The Executive Board