A–Eskwadraat's physical appearance concentrates around its rooms in the BBG: the living room (BBL 269/270), the board room (BBL 271) and the computer room (BBL 272). In the computer room you can find computers for doing committee work, but more important is the living room, also known as The Room.
The living room is open every business day in regular lecture weeks between 8:45 am and 5:00 pm, often also beyond those hours. Here are four reasons to go there right now!
The room's most frequented piece of furniture is the Coca-Cola fridge. Here we sell all kinds of soft drinks for production costs. That is quite a bit cheaper than the university's vending machines, and some like the brands better as well. After 5 o'clock, we also offer beer. You pay by depositing the right (!) amount in the money tin on top of the fridge, so it's fully self-catered.
Through the same system we also offer snacks like Mars, Snickers, Sultana, and various kinds of crisps.
It is also possible to pay using our digital payment system (DiBS). Don't have a DiBS keyring? Get one from your nearest board member.
We also have a coffee maker and a water boiler, which are used all day to make coffee and tea, free for all members.
More information: Officer of Snacks
For your fifteen minute break or your spare hours, we have couches waiting for you. We have subscriptions with multiple newspapers and magazines for your reading pleasure. You can also have a nice conversation with other members, or play a board game (see next paragraph).
A-Eskwadraat has a wide collection of games, from Settlers of Catan and Risk to chess, Set, playing cards and many more. Usually there are people around who are happy to play one of these games.
You can also borrow games or a soccer ball for use elsewhere, like in the Minnaert building or outside. To do so you are required to leave a deposit with a board member.
During office hours a board member is always available to answer your questions about A–Eskwadraat, receive your remarks, subscribe you for an activity or join you in a game. Just ask them.
More information: the board